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Whatsapp group

If you are a 2023-2024 UPT student, make sure to join the WhatsApp group; here, study-related and Transito-related information will be communicated. Also, the current board members will be happy to answer all your questions about the UPT master and Transito.

Board recruitment

The Transito board is recruited in September, such that all new students have the opportunity to apply for the board. More information about the six positions can be found here, and during the introduction events, the current board members will be happy to answer all your questions about a part-time board year for Transito. Applications are now open! Apply via the bottom below. The deadline to apply is Friday, September 14th.

Image by Joey Kyber

About the master

Click here if you want to know more about the Master program in Urban, Port, and Transport Economics!

Outdoor Family Day

Planned activities

Read more about all the activities planned for the first weeks of the school year and mark your calendar!

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About Transito

We are Transito, the official association for the UPT master! Learn more about us here. 

Get in touch with us

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  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

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