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Are you ready to get on board?

The Transito board consists of 6 positions. It is a perfect opportunity for those who want to experience what it is like to be in the board of a master's student association. Not only does this look good on your CV but you also learn a lot about yourself and obtain new skills.

The board of Transito consists of a group of enthusiastic students who are devoting a lot of energy and effort to the association for a year. The board members have a part-time position and work together as a team.



The president is the oil that keeps the board moving in unison. This person must be able to see the greater picture and is responsible for bringing together synergies within the board to get the mission done. The role of president is challenging, because he/she must be a team player who is be able to take the lead when necessary to get the job done! The president also represents Transito at all external events.


Secretary / Vice-President

The secretary is the right hand of the president. The secretary handles incoming emails, post, and other material that is relevant for the board. He/She also has the important role of transcribing the meetings. In case that the president is absent, the secretary will act as vice president. The secretary is also there to step in and offer help to others in the board if needed. 



The treasurer is the person who is entrusted with maintaining the financial health of Transito. The main goal is to keep track on all transfers that are going out and coming in the account. This is a position that relates to a great level of responsibility and reliableness as all payments and transactions are made only by the treasurer.  The treasurer reports monthly to the rest of the board about the financial presence of the association.


Commercial Officer

The commercial officer is responsible for all the monetary relations Transito has. This includes sponsors and various companies. The commercial officer is also responsible for organizing the recruitment event and making sure we are financed sufficiently.


Activities Officer

The activities officer is responsible for almost all Transito activities. The activities include social drinks and gatherings and visits to ports and airports. This makes it a very active position for which planning and organisational skills are required. The biggest challenge of the activities officer is to organise the study trip. The organization of this trip requires months of preparation by the activities officer and his/her committee. In order to make the trip a success, the activities officer should have strong mental skills and the ability to keep his/her committee enthusiastic and committed to deadlines.


Marketing Officer

The Marketing officer is responsible for the communication between Transito and the students. He/She will communicate events, jobs and internship postions to the students. This means managing the website and various social media outlets. It also means that the marketing officer must be willing to learn how to manage digital platforms. Skills in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, and Lightroom would be fantastic but by no means necessary.


There will also be a training day, where the new board members will be informed for their responsibilities in more details and will get to know our sponsors. You can learn more about the current and previous boards.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us through the contact form below.


Board Application

The board application is done on this form.

Board applications are due on Thursday 14th at the end of the business day (18:00), late applications can be accepted upon good reason. If you have any questions in the meantime, don't hesitate to send us an email via the contact form below or to send a WhatsApp message to any of the board members!



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